On the Subject of Mystery Widget

Not a boss, D@M.

This module will hide one of the widgets on the edge of the bomb until it is solved.

To solve this module, look at its screen. There will be seven symbols on it. Find all filled symbols in the table below, then perform the corresponding inputs in order. Then, perform the actions for unfilled symbols in reverse order. A correct input will remove that symbol from the screen, while an incorrect input will result in a strike.

Once the module is solved, the widget will be revealed.

A “timer gap” is the time between two audible timer ticks.

Tap the button when the seconds digit of the bomb’s timer equals this symbol’s position left to right. Tap the button when the seconds digit of the bomb’s timer equals the number of prior correct actions.
Hold the button, then release it on the next timer gap. Hold the button, then release it on the timer gap after the next.
Tap the button when the decaseconds digit of the bomb’s timer equals its seconds digit. Tap the button when the seconds of the bomb’s timer are prime. (Ignore minutes and hours.)